Thursday, May 13, 2010

Another between-blogs update...

Green goings-on

Ayer Greenway Committee Birding Walk -- Saturday, May 15, 9 a.m.

Meet at the Groton-Harvard Road trail head for a short walk to the Habitat Trail lookout to watch for Great Blue Herons and a resident osprey pair, as well as other birds in the woods and on the pond. Would-be birders are advised to dress for tick season and bring water and binoculars (if possible). Takashi Tada and Beth Suedmeyer will be leading the way. For more information, call 618-214-8593.

Family Owl Prowl -- Saturday, May 29, 7 - 9 p.m.

North County Land Trust, MassAudubon and the Nashua River Watershed Association are teaming up this year to offer several upcoming programs at the Crocker Conservation Area near downtown Fitchburg, including this chance to spend an evening in the woods listening for -- and calling -- Barred Owls (and, with a little luck, Screech Owls and Great Horned Owls). This naturalist-led event is a popular one and limited to 50 participants, so pre-registration is required. For more info, call 978-466-3900 or e-mail A donation of $4 per adult (ages 16 and up) or $2 per child is suggested to help the organizations cover costs.

Ayer Recycling Committee meeting -- Wednesday, June 2, 7 p.m.
All interested individuals are encouraged to meet at Town Hall Conference Room A. The evening's agenda includes updating information on the Ayer website and planning for fall zero-waste day. For more information, e-mail Laurie Sabol.

Morning woodland stroll -- Thursday, June 10, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Brought to you by the aforementioned partnership between North County Land Trust, MassAudubon and the Nashua River Watershed Association, this trail walk will follow a trail along Hemlock Hill. Walkers should, according to the event's sponsors, "bring your coffee, and leave your cell phone behind." Registration, donation and contact information are the same as for the Owl Prowl above.

Together on the Land: Options for ecological living in community -- Saturday, June 12, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This event will lead participants on a tour of Franklin County homes and farms that have tested different models for community living, such as community land trusts, coops, cohousing, and more. The tour, jointly sponsored by Cooperative Development Institute, Coop Power, Equity Trust, Franklin Land Trust, Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust and Valley Community Land Trust,
aims to connect attendees with others working toward sustainable community living, point up real-world examples and explain the basics of how they work. To pre-register, visit Valley Community Land Trust's page for the tour. Ticket prices range from $20 to $40.

Nashua River Watershed Association and MassAudubon summer camp programs signups -- Going on now!

Both of these organizations have more summer offerings than you can shake a stick at -- just the ticket for fueling young naturalists' curiosity. To learn more about NRWA's summer programs, visit its website and e-mail Lauren Parente, Eco-Adventures Coordinator, or call her at (978) 448-0299. To peruse MassAudubon's summer offerings, visit the organization's camps Web page and click on the name of a sanctuary near you...two of the closest are Drumlin Farm in Lincoln and Wachusett Meadow in Princeton.

1 comment:

  1. Wow so much going on! That Owl Prowl sounds like an interesting time but it would make me a little nervous to look for large taloned birds at night lol. Are you hitting any of these?
